As the main hot topic in the world currently is Sustainability, at L&S Accounting our beliefs have demanded some changes in how we operate to ensure that our environmental impact is kept to the minimum.
Our office space is designed to provide the ‘greenest’ space as possible with plants upon plants – we empower the mental and physical well-being of our staff as well as generating fresh air via photosynthesis.
As well as implying the reduction of waste by our employees such as less plastic, less paper and more reusable materials we encourage that they reduce their own carbon footprint by simply turning off the lights that are not in use or using more sustainable ways of travelling to work which can be anything from public transport (bus, train) to electric cars, e-scooters, or walking.
Our clients receive electronic payslips and statements such as the P60’s as we believe the more, we can do online, the better it is for the environment.
We are already currently working with other businesses who are actively working to decrease their carbon emissions or become sustainably stable. One of them is Nest Pensions. It is an important step for us to promote partnerships with businesses who are aware of the worldwide issues and are planning or are already acting on that. Therefore, businesses who support each other in the sustainability journey have a better advantage of committing to the 2050 Action Plan and applying to the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations.
Our long-term plans include donating to popular, in need, environmental charities such as WWF, The Wildlife Trust and National Association for Environmental Education. This is our contribution to promote the new ‘Green Living’ for businesses as well as individuals.
Sustainable Development Goals
L&S Accounting Firm is aiming at collectively trying to improve their sustainability standards. Relating to the Sustainability Development Goals all businesses are trying to achieve by the end of 2050, our business is already getting involved in the following 4.
No. 5 Gender Equality (our staff are different genders and we will never disqualify or discriminate anyone due to their views or beliefs.
No. 6 Clean water and sanitation (We provide clean water to our employees and visiting clients on daily basis. We only purchase bottled water from sustainable companies like Highland Spring (which has taken their sustainability move seriously and aimed to have built a Rail Freight Centre by 2040 and ensuring their bottles are also eco friendly)).
No.8 Good jobs and economic growth (L&S Accounting have been providing a lot of job and progression opportunities to their existing as well as potential candidates. We are currently offering apprenticeships for the youth to work and learn towards a diploma at the same time);
and No.11. Sustainable cities and communities (We encourage everyone to walk or use public transport to travel to our office. Our employees already walk and bike reducing the amount of carbon emission levels discharged into the air)

Referencing the United Nations (2023)
These are what we have been contributing to.

In the future years we will be aiming more on the following:
We will be aiming to ensure our energy supplies are more sustainable and reusable such as using electric solar panels or promoting the use of equipment which is not using as much electricity.
We will also start to recycle within the office.
We want to contribute to around the world projects of feeding the poor communities and help collect donations for projects in the local area.
And finally, we will get involved in projects, use and partner up with companies who plant trees.
But how can we help you become more sustainable?
- Check out our Services Section for more information.